Thursday, September 27, 2007

Chapter 3...

こんばんは!Ok, so, I'm not sure if anyone else is in the same boat but I am sooooo confused in Japanese right now, でも、I am trying so hard to teach myself and study a lot to be really prepared for tomorrow. However, the class just got significantly harder! Chapter 1, PERFECT. Chapter 2, I understood all the concepts, but the カタカナ is still a bit challenging, but I'm sure with some practice I will get better. Chapter 3, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! The sentences are really complex, the vocab is intense (note to more romajii), kanjii is much harder than hiragana and katakana to write, AND word order is confusing. BUT, I am determined to do well in this class and try really hard! So, if that means spending long hours studying alone or with my パートナー (エンシソサン)、HI MELANIE, then so be it. IF ANYONE HAS ANY TIPS ON LEARNING CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS, TELL ME! (I am attending the session with さとうせんせい tomorrow (あした) )

On a lighter note, I LOVED デファジオ and ワシングトンさん presentation! Did everyone realize that チェンさん used the "sweat drop" in his skit....VERY COOL AND POPULAR!

Ok, I am going to study now (わたしはいまうちでにほんごをべんきょうします。)I think that's right...... 


Aznbabybop said...

Helloooooo!!! I just got off the phone with you! Anyways, I think we have similar thoughts running through our minds. We both mention chapter 3 and the culture presentation. Great minds think alike. Yay for study groups! Anyway I have to start studying for this vocab. test so see you in lab tomorrow.

p.s. our skit is going to be AMAZING!

LeiseS said...

why don't you leave me comments no more?

ローラ・リン said...

こんにちは。わたしわローラ・リンです。はじめまして。^^ Hey, I'm from Sato Sensei's 1'o clock class. I'm freaking out about Chapter 3 too, though not so much about Kanji since I'm chinese. But the intense grammar with the new particles and the sentence structures are killing me. So you're not alone in this at all...

I noticed that つばさ Chronicles is one of your favorite anime. I saw that series a little while ago, and I love Fai! haha, he's so cool. The show itself has a very mysterious and dark feel ... I never got to finish the it though. But she probably regained all her memories.. right...?